Well! This is it. I'm off to Utah to begin my big adventure! It's about time, right? Well I can honestly say I'm sad about leaving my home town. Especially the people in it. Hopefully my parents and Dassy don't party too hard without me. I've got some serious mixed feelings about leaving. Nervous? Yes. Scared? Mm only of the Utarded Mormons. Ready to chase my dream? YES! I am so ready to see what's out there waiting for me. The next big wait: snowboarding season! On top of all that, I'm so grateful for the people that I have behind me. To my sisters: you already know I'm going to be calling you pretty much every day. "Hey how do you turn on the stove?", "Soo how do you do a load of whites?", "Okay which way is Center Street?" Just kidding. I'm not THAT retarded. I hope? ;)
Well ... car is packed and waiting for a driver! Peace out Sin City! You gave me some great times!
P.S. I WISH i was leaving on a friggen jet plane!