Sunday, September 6, 2009

Class of 2010

Well, this is it! It's finally my year! I have waited long for this moment. I'm finally a Senior!! I never thought it would feel this good to only have one year of high school left! I gotta say ... I am LOVING it!!! It's also kind of sad. I'm gonna miss everyone! I know, I know i'll probably see them again! But not everyday! Every year, on the first day of school, since 7th grade, I have sat next to my friend Maddy in homeroom (because our last names are alphabetical). As I sat down next to her this year, I thought to myself ... This is it. The last year! I leaned over to her and said "Dude, since 7th grade we ..." and before I even finished my sentence she says, "... have been in the same homeroom! I know! And now its our last time!" Haha so cheesy, I know, but so true!! There are so many memories that I have and will always remember! So this is it. Class of 2010. A.K.A, One-Oh Fo Sho, Generation X, "You're my hero class One Zero!" and my favorite, The Class of Twenty-Ten :). Can I get a Woot, woot?!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. woot woot! so excited for you! i can't believe that you're already a senior. you're gonna rule the school! i'm glad you're having a great year so far...cheers to the class of twenty-ten!

  3. WOOT WOOT!!! Maiyah, I'm soooooo excited for you! And I'm glad to hear that you are actually going to miss some things about H.S. I still can't believe that you're a seeeenior! That's so crazy. (I guess this means I'm really old). I love you, you are incredible and I can't wait to see what you do next. We all love you tons!!

  4. P.S. I like the purple and snaps on finally blogging.

  5. its about time you updated your blog! first of all i cant believe you are a senior and second, i cant believe i have almost been out of high school for 6 years! i wish i could go back to senior year. it was so much fun. soak it up and take advantage of everything because you can never go back. i hope it is a great year for you! - jeriann
