Thursday, December 29, 2011

First Shred of the Season

Well, the complaining is over everyone! I finally got to snowboard. Tirza and I went with her good friend Pavel, who is insanely funny and seems to have a story about everything. I also got to try out my new Nitro which was sick! I fell in love with it the minute I strapped into my bindings and stood up. As far as the riding, it was icy, it was cold, and it was windy, but I didn't care. There's something about being on the mountain that is so peaceful to me. I was just stoked that I was there! No matter how horrible the conditions are, I hold a sense of loyalty to Brian Head. After all, that's where I learned the wonderful sport! Gotta give props to Brooke and Alexis, of course. They're the ones who took me down Giant Steps when I was three, in my huge white puffy coat. I am convinced they made me a better rider. They helped me face my fears, before I even knew I had any.
So, here are some pics from the first ride of the season ;).